Sunday, 13 January 2013

Caught some nice Striped Mullet in sedgefield lagoon on saturday.....

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

And then..... the shad went mad!

Went to fish at Kleinbrak last night.  Until 9pm I haven't had a single nibble and to top it all it started pouring with rain until about 9:20pm.  The rain stopped, the wind died down and then... the Elf/Shad went crazy.  I caught 16 within a hour and a half.  Then it got a bit late for a weeknight and I left - happy and satisfied with some nice fish for the pan.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

I had two good outings....

Went to fish Knysna lagoon on Saturday night, got 5 big grunters, friend also got 2, the water was 27 degrees, so could have been better, but I'm happy.

Went to Vicbay last night and got 7 decent elf.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Mussel Cracker on LIGHT tackle....

Yesterday, after work, I went down to Wilderness.  Equipped with a 9ft rod and grinder with 20lb braid, I made my first cast onto a nice bank behind a gully.  Caught this lovely cracker, weighing 8kgs, using fresh white mussel  which I collected at the spot.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Wilderness produces....

Went to fish a spot at Wilderness last night.  Got a nice grunter at about 18:00, using fresh white mussel that I collected at the spot.  Bit later at about 20:00 - 20:30, my friend and I both got our cob of about 2,5kg each.

Water has cooled down exactly as predicted.